RBI Not Exhausted With Monetary Policies
RBI Not Exhausted With Monetary Policies : Reserve Bank of India is continuing with sharp monetary policies, to ward off COVID-19 trauma. RBI is looking a long term view and the measures will be winded-off swiftly. The banking is sound & stable, but bank need to be invested greatly in sunrise sectors. Erosion of capital and the balance sheet of the banks will not be rosy. RBI also appreciated the banking officers to work hard during this epidemic. Fiscal deficit, debt - Gross Domestic Product, Current Account Deficit are better now. Repo rate is 4% and Reverse Repo is 3.35% respectively. Loan payment moratorium and interest payment which is deferred, also into consideration. Stock Market will be happy, not for long. Market is going to go down, Reasons are many, But main is one? Due to monetary policies presented by Reserve Bank Of India, the market was expecting some thing from the Governor, like cut in Bank Rate, SLR, CRR, etc. But nothi...