Tomorrow I'm going to help a girl child continue education

Parents are the biggest priority to a family. Head of.the house must be father, the mom and junk-food eaters like son and daughter. Life moves on and my cine actress started studying from kg1 to 7th std. She remain top in every examination she faced. The whole family goes to gurudwara to say thanks to almighty.Life was going on smoothly. Alas, one day a phone call came in the mid-day to the School Principal. After the call, the School Principal was sweating and rang the call bell. After hearing the bell, Assistant came in, then School Principal noded for a glass of water. The glass of water came, still the sweating continues.......Seeing this, the Assistant asked, What happened to her?  Without looking at her, School Principal noded to call Jaspreet Kaur. of Class 7 A. Assistant rushed to the class. When she reached the class, Class Teacher Miss Mehta came out. Assistant provided the full theme of the story in short. Then Class Teacher asked Jaspreet Kaur to come out with full bagging, and sent her to the Principal Room. Jaspreet Without knowing anything, continues walking to the room where Principal is seated. 

"Indian Roads are the worst roads in the world. Safety system is below par, and want to know that Congress Government was ruling India for the last 60 years. If you look at the date of 2013, 137,000 people were killed in road accidents. If you look at the figure in 2016, at least 400 people dies everyday. The most accident prone states are Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka and Kerala."

Jaspreet with little worry on her face came to the doorstep of School Principal. She was praying herself, stating that any mistake had been happened in the class or to any teacher. In School, we see every small mistakes done by a child, becomes a big issue first, in the hands of Class Teacher or Second, taken care by School Principal. Child judgement is gone awry...... While grazing in the mind what must have happened, a sound came from Inside Principal Room. "Jaspreet, Please come in". With double-mind, she stepped into School Principals room. Jaspreet, first wished her Good Morning and stood in front of Principal Desk. Principal, with due confusion and presentation, stood up and came near her. She was making Jaspreet cosy and pulled a chair and asked Jaspreet to sit. With lot of guts, Principal said that her father is not well and she received a phone call from home. She called the Assistant, and asked her to accompany Jaspreet to her home. Then left and Jaspreet with full enthusiasm left the school. When she reached home, lot of people  


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