Aboutme.SubinEducation- Indian Educational System Must Have A Change

Aboutme.SubinEducation- Indian Education System Must Have A Change Now

Our Education System at least for now change it, what we want to do is not create just photocopies, but geniune students who do research in that particular subject like Economics, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Sociology and their other links. Here we are going to create "Babus", now we want more Research Scholars. These Research Scholars will take India forward. Now if we take the example of Delhi University, A Students is studying one subject and after finishing they select another subject and study for another 4 years. What we are creating? Nothing just mere Politicians as we say now Future Fundamentalists. This we don't want. No Admission must be given for past students and scholarships must be given for fresh candidates. This will make the Educational System grow.....Minorities must be given less permission as if they are coming from Afsal Group or Memon Growth. Political System is required to understand what is politics. But, these is used to tarnish the image of college, Country and even their Parents who worked for the country and we all love him/her [Vengenance]. Stop this, throw them out of college like "Kanaya" who don't know what is Education....Stupid, He was there to eat Governments money and wage protest against Government. Let Government take a stand, or we people will take it. 1 SCHOLARSHIP WILL BE GIVEN FOR STUDIES FOR GRADUATION AND POST GRADUATION. Another courses they have to pay and study and no one will be studying there. Hostel facilities must be younger lot who just join the college. No one roams the college, canteen and sit in the library. If they are not attending classes, the proven scholarship must be barred. Here new students who want to grow waiting to get one. They will flee faster......


Aboutme.SubinEducation - Indian Education System Must Have A Change Now

Media is the culprit right now. Let the students do their studying. If we close the college, these fundamentalists will be the winner. We want our students to study and Media must play their role properly. In India, Media is taking the "Negative" into popularity. We don't want that, as Negatives get more popular, then what happens is that, the whole lot of next generation will be tempted to do that. After all these Negatives will be behind bars or dump as Freak Politician and will be running their daily bread of people's money or from fundamentalist group. We want our India to be free from all these things? If someone shout for "Pakistan", my opinion is that take him/her and put them to Pakistan Homeland and let them see WHAT IS PAKISTAN? When we went for business in Pakistan, they are not having anything to eat, Not even water to drink and lives or barren desert. If these people live there, surely from there, they will SHOUT FOR INDIA. Pakistan is not a holy country, but full of gundaism and just power wars between various clans of Muslims. When Pakistan family visit India, we can see tears in their eyes and they pray to come to India which is considered for them as HEAVEN. They will sell their whole earnings to come to India and stay. Even if Indian Muslims go to Pakistan, automatically they are not considered as Pure Muslims, Just transferred from Hindu to Muslims. These Indian Muslims not only in Pakistan, Whole Arab Muslim countries treated them and downgraded Muslims. Why leave the HOLY LAND and work for Hell? Just Think About It?????.

Aboutme.SubinEducation- Indian Education System Must Have A Change Now.


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