Aboutme.SubinPolitics-Ban Chinese Products Including Mobile

Aboutme.SubinPolitics- Ban Chinese Products In India To Make China Realize...........       Chinese products are used in India, as we think they are the neighbours. But when they earn is $1200 crore. Whereas India's export is mere $292 crore. The main issue is that China is helping pakistan to wage a terrorist war against India. This means, the money we use to purchase Chinese Products will be diverted to Pakistan and Pakistan use this money for terrorism against India. Even China is holdinf Jem founder Masood Azhar with them and he do terrorist activities in Indian Boundaries.                   Aboutme.SubinPolitics-Ban Chinese Products In India To Make China Realize...
If we are not going to buy, for example a Lenovo Mobile, automatcally these products get dumped, create unemployment, and China will not be taking money from their treasury and provide aid. So, terrorism against India will be curbed. United Nations & USA will not be having guts to put a ban on China. B'coz Chinese investment are high in USA market and bought shares of Big Companies. So if they do so, they will sell all stocks and rattle the US Market. Now China is investing in Nepal, Sri Lanka, Maldives to capture Indian Ocean. Madness will make China loose India and their Market is going to burst. So Ban Chinese Products if you're a true Indian.                  Aboutme.SubinPolitics-Ban Chinese Products In India To Make China Realize....


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